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Some people embrace aloneness while others spend most of their lives avoiding it

Writer's picture: Yogesh ChandraYogesh Chandra

Away from the wrestling crowd, which has its stems submerged into a perfectly stagnant lake, and unto the land of solitude, which sees its veins uprated with colors of creation, is a difference only a few could relate to.

Everything that we do has to somehow ‘fit in’ with the overall narrative that it could have only been made possible with the unwitting inspiration from those around us. Maybe it’s the default stance that we take, making it seem easy, and eventually undervaluing the idea that aloneness could have significantly contributed to something so beautiful that no one could actually comprehend.

Gazing upon the immortal sky, and unto the infinite spaces of interstellar beauty, are stars which glow adorably. And that’s a magic in itself, seeing each star map its place and walk casually, yet bound to its virtue, that is the longest walk ever in lonesomeness, is unlike anything that we could ever think off.

This life is an ever-growing pursuit of something that we do not even fully understand, yet find ourselves chasing each petal that ever birthed fragrance, or taming the roads just to soften our journey.

And it's not our fault, for the norms of the land have us slaved, perfecting the craft so well that it flows like poetry to many while an evening of misery to others.

To be able to spend some time alone, or to continually hold up to the demands of the selfish crowd, who so articulately tend to insinuate a ‘different meaning to life’ is a prose that many people find themselves stuck in-between, pressing against their minds as if everything depended on it.

And to fail us or to fail them is the only option that exists.

But to stand next to the faintly scintillating curtains and saying ‘no’ to the flattery crowd, eventually reserving some time for yourself only, is a decision that resonates with different feelings for each one of us. For the mind needs time alone, purely in its wholesomeness.

The strings of life share its prosperity from the connections we tend to make, but everything shatters when a mutual relationship suddenly turns into a one-sided affair. It was as if destiny had it all planned, and that chaos would find meanings only if it is lived through.

Everyone desires some form of connection in this overly reliant life but no one ever commits. Only walking through the daily attire of loneliness is what makes the land attractive in retrospect.

And if we were to meet our future selves, right at this moment, would we even be happy based on the different decisions that we have made. Life’s a box of unlived moments, and it would never be fair to say that everything is uniformly appealing to each one of us. But to have a sense of appreciation and a balance of everything is only as far as it would ever go.

-Yogesh Chandra

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