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Why is there a Need for More Research Based Approaches to Life?

Writer's picture: Yogesh ChandraYogesh Chandra

Let’s face it! Times are evolving and with it, our need to be progressively adapted to the vastness of knowledge that lies untouched. It is at the epicenter, of art and change—that will unfold us to the next big step of humanity. And why is it that more people are having an open mind to things as the new century collectively kicks in?

The answer lies within the surrounding—one which compels us into seeking answers to things which lay there for the past million years and more. There is an overwhelming volume of composure that new knowledge presents itself with. And as each day unfolds, more are drawn to questioning the basics of life and its fundamentals which revolve so vibrantly around us.

Research means a person will allow for accommodation of previous knowledge with new ones—and as contradictory as it may sound, the goal has always been to decipher a new approach to life which has never been practiced. It is the art of research that has brought us this far, and with it, an interesting life that will never be the same tomorrow.

Today’s school systems majorly focus on textbook based teaching, with so little to outside the box thinking. Students are lead into believing that everything inside the textbooks are the only truth that there may ever be, and all notions to tackle a subject is predominantly buried as the years pass by.

To be successful, one is compelled into cramming the entire textbook, or recalling the laws of notion dictated in the books. But tomorrow is already unclear, with so much to unfold—the mind that will eventually.

Ideas will rush, and theories will evolve, but it’s the first step towards taking the advanced approach in one’s life. Everything can literally be found on Google today, yet the societal standards somehow don’t take us there.

Having a so called direct approach to things, and letting critical thinking take hold of one’s mind is one of the many steps that could lead us there. And research need not necessarily mean that a person has to go over some sophisticated jargon that will demotivate him or herself right at the first step. It is about absorbing a topic, reading in steps—taking notes and marking things which may be of interest.

There are so many things to discover that if a cup were to fall, and no one was watching—maybe the cup wouldn’t fall after all. It’s the conditional verb that is paramount, which will narrate us the complexities of this life into fine pieces of knowledge.

Our species has evolved through research, and as each day strikes, I would urge you all to take up a topic, and think of all that may be bothering you. Remember, there is no right and wrong, but the idea of compounding knowledge into agreeable and workable theories that lay undiscovered.

-Yogesh Chandra

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