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Sophistication, Mind and I

Writer's picture: Yogesh ChandraYogesh Chandra

The music is getting slower, my heart is pumping lethargically and my chest is overwhelmed such incessantly. To be at contempt with life, is an art which requires a lot of intellectual renaissance each second as life will want to spill in front of the unwavering crowd. The moment, incontestable and undeniable-there is nothing much that one could do, but to be chained to the same chair which wants us to believe that it is the next indestructible rod.

The concept, or the awe in question may in turn overwhelm each skin at a certain point in time- times when your skin would seem to be most vulnerable, and these are the times that will define your strength and inner spark that wants to glow. There are around 7 billion people on the planet, with each skin so different from the other- one could never be the same or be able to identify as being equal to the next. The entire design is a beautiful thing, with each mind having the opportunity to offer something new, so dramatic that it may change our lives, or the ways in which we currently view our lives.

This is and can be true for each and every one out there- a single idea to change everything on earth and perhaps the entire interstellar. Ideas will begin to surface, let’s say when one is just a child or is a new adult or is singing his 47th birthday song. The mind, which has profoundly astonished me, and I would believe majority of the people out there- who at all times, may be trying to better understand the governing dynamics of the brain. And as we continue with the next second, ironically, it is the brain itself telling us to stop thinking for at least a while, and take a little rest perhaps.

Well, that sounds equally important as well, however, what if, at the next second, right at the peak-one were to solve quantum theory or find out the cure for cancer. The thought sounds highly persuasive and inconclusive at the same time. If it were entirely up to the brain to succeed at the next detrimental second- then why would it even prompt us to take a little rest now?

The answer lies in the basic construct of our neurological state. Well, I would find myself, majority of the times, overshadowed by such explicit ideas that I believe would be a major turning point for me- the resultant is quite dazzling as I always end up getting disappointed. This leads me to question the very fabric of reality- the most sophisticated art that is going on inside my brain and so is everyone else’s.

To illustrate ones inability to re-create new ideas- let’s say- in the very awe of procrastination, when one seems to lose all grip of life. These are the times which will form a cyclic relationship-one that is multiplying such steadily, that a person seems to have lost control over his or her life. This, I would call it, ‘the diminished factor’. Let’s say, we have a point to reach, point Z for example. And to reach that point, will require immense hard work and sacrifices. But as time progresses, we seem to lose touch with the eccentric idea of reaching towards that point, and in between, seem to be distracted by other worldly things all around us. The same things which compel us to believe that life would not be on par without it.

The very idea of such an initial thought may hinder ones objectives. And I also know, that to reach point Z- one which seems to be losing me each new second, I would encounter other alphabets that will give me something new. Each letter, the quintessential art of the society, one that is floating around us such convincingly, ask of us- to be overwhelmed by the rays that want to touch us. And yet, here we stand, on that same plankton, worried about the current point- the indisputable point i.e. POINT A.

To let go requires each nerve and its corresponding neuron to be stimulated such promisingly that tomorrow is meant to be, and in each breath, whether it be for the next inane pulse filled with such silly ideas or the one concept to change everything. It seems that we have tied an indistinguishable knot inside our minds, one which hinders us towards progressing to the next alphabet.

Well, this is life, and life is sophistication, if not for the rays that define us. One has such a unique construct, no one could snatch or steal or put black paintings on, and to the holder- who thinks that nothing good will come in the next second, well I would urge you to think twice, for merry is inside the next line which will touch you out of the red skies, for which- you will entirely be unready. Perhaps this is life after all. To be thrilled by new and open emotions, idea and construct that will move the next leaf or the wind such drastically- no one could ever deny. So the next time- if procrastination or other things seem to be pleasuring us- well feel good about it because it makes us human after all, but not to be moved as such- that the remaining days are spent inside its skin, trapped and weary. The very realm of conscience that should strike, and tell an individual to move to the next alphabet, that is what life seems to be centered towards.

It leads to me write this-more of a philosophical approach to constraints in life- because I seem to find myself moving with the currents of inability-ones that undeniably drag me down the river. But the goal- it is to travel uphill, in words or scripts or life after all-all I could plead for is for a safe journey ahead with these erudite things all around me. So next time you are overshadowed, stuck in a prism of thoughts- do know that the alphabet listing is so large, no one could even comprehend its depth. Be positive and think of everything that life is to be a construct of rather than being the same grain on the beach trying to look as creative as the next grain. And of reality, well let’s continue searching for it inside our ingenuous minds.

-Yogesh Chandra

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