About my Book- 'The Tragedy of our Lives'

The Tragedy of our Lives is a collection of poems compiled by myself over the seconds when my mind wants to write. The thought of writing has always fascinated me, which I pursued from an early age. It happens to be that our lives revolve around so many distinctive moments that require a little blend of silence poured with thoughts of undefined margins. The beginning phases is one of many which may convince you to let silence consume. I too have been its victim, however, as the days continue to progress, I seem to be filled with a vacuum of little hope that screams amiss the quietness. At first, it feels quite appealing, however, the question that continues to captivate my mind is the ‘art of our lives’. I thought, I should be writing all these precious thoughts and ideas in a piece of paper. So it happens to be that I start to pour my thoughts into writing which soothes the soul.
I’m originally from Labasa, Northern Island of Fiji, have been brought up in the harmonious village of Nasekula. I’m the eldest in the family, my mom, three brothers and a sister who are all residing in Labasa. Papa had tragically died when I was just 11 years of age and I do hope that I get to see him again. Being brought up in an environment stricken with absolute poverty has indeed made me explore the dynamics of my own life. The early days when I go to school thinking that I will do something with my life one day. However, when you come home, you have to confront the precious pieces of hunger and denial of even the basics of little water. So what am I do to now, perhaps call Papa. But he is not here anymore. So I have to lift my bare feet and feed my stomach with the blood it pour. The fragile evenings of mine, I have to think of, where is this life. Mother, lay helplessly on that wooden platform as she is traumatized with all that is happening around her. I took an indecisive pardon on my poor soul to let me fall. I realize that beauty was constructed in the art of my most beautiful fall.
The next seconds were filled with unimaginable pain, I lay in stain, hope touching me and then slowly speaking that it was a mistake. Then, a soul acknowledges every little pain that there is, I sat, I thought, my thoughts never stopped thinking. A day, perhaps three, my stomach starts beating, my chest starts breaking, I am about to die. In a second filled with a fraction of suffocation, I saw a beautiful page walking at the edge of the hut. I slowly try to reach out towards it, but there is this air of hopelessness that seems to please. I stare at my reflection across the grey ceiling, is it the ceiling that I’m seeing. There is a casual touch of melancholia, I should have known it right then. I am uncertain, what will happen next.
An idea of restlessness begins to form beside us. I look plainly at it, yet seeing the unseen compositions of life it were. I had thought of a lot, but there was no ink for me to pour onto. I started writing around the age of 13.The collection, all of which portraying the vulnerable moments of our lives captured in letters that may want to form words. I continued with the passion for writing. This included poetry, short stories, autobiography, journals and most importantly, a page to write the little thoughts that want a way out of my mind. It gets quite pleasant every time I think of it. So I continue to write, I wish for my hands never to stop, the thoughts never to decay, the lines never to get satisfied with what I were to write. I had my only friend to share my mind to.
As time progressed, I got adapted to the vastness of this life. I get to explore the extremes of life, which in turn is a major factor driving me to pursue a career in writing. ‘The Tragedy of our Lives’ will explore and relate to the phases in our lives which if not for the sake of it, we would care to be less of a human. I hope that people will appreciate the concept which at times seems to be repulsive, if not drawn for the beauty of it. The book will explore a range of subjects including love, poverty, education, loss of a loved one, traumatic events, rejection, nature, unseen places, change, grief and most importantly, thoughts that we are never able to pour out. Why do we have to be scared of confinement, it looks like we will be sentenced to life in trying to whisper plausibility.
It took me two years to compile this particular collection, however, I would attribute my indescribable life all this while, which presents me with a purple thought to explore, to feel pain, to love, taste rejection, lets the walls of our stomach crave for a grain most spectacular, most importantly, to write and feel that you have something worth living for. I write with the concept of letting people know that it is alright to continue feeling pain,that it is alright to live like a wire with currents of someone else’s. I hope to convey the message to the readers, fall today and fall tomorrow, fall the day after tomorrow as well. In this life, we are to continue falling, never to touch of our lives again, but realize the beauty in the way we fall. We are exploring the invisible rays of happiness, you should know, there is a place where our thoughts are so unprecedented. I have perhaps learnt to appreciate the silent life with a little touch of thought most appealing. As I hold this moment in between a powerful ink, I say to you, get closer to the life you have never discovered.